OldSportOldsport Member


  • You have to count calories I'm afraid! If you eat the same as you burn then you won't lose weight. Low carb is a way to get your body burning fat more efficiently as fuel and also a way to satiate yourself with less food, but on it's own it'll do nothing - calories in calories out is key, not the carbs.
  • I eat a lot of meat (mostly chicken, steak and lamb), some greens (mostly spinach and broccoli) and the very occasional yoghurt. I'm allergic to a lot of things (eggs, fish, peanuts) but all those things are very good for low carbs. I try not to eat/use diet products except for sugar-free energy drinks. Feel free to friend…
  • Lost 2.5lbs from 157 down to 154.5. This puts me half a pound away from a healthy BMI and if I can lose that by my birthday I will have achieved one of my mini goals \o/
  • I'm doing low carb (<20g a day every day) feel free to friend me! And a note to people interested in carb cycling/backloading - that only really works out if you're very big into exercise/weights generally.
  • A box of mixed salad and a precooked chicken breast. Protein and vitamins, keeps you full and it's low calories. Can't lose!
  • I'm in fandom, I feel that makes me pretty geeky! Don't play games though because I have rubbish hand-eye co-ordination. Know quite a lot about them through osmosis though.
  • I put on quite a lot of weight when I was taking gabapentin and found it very hard to lose. I asked to be switched to Cymbalta in the end (this was for neuropathic pain) which has fewer weight-gain side effects.
  • My macros are 5% carbs, 30% protein and 65% fat but I don't keep to that as though it's the word of God - I often eat extra protein and less fat. If you're doing a lot of working out you probably need more carbs than me though! I recommend upping your protein and fat goals for satiation and energy purposes. You have to…
  • They don't make me hungry! I take mine as a fizzy thing though (tablets that you drop into water and it turns into a flavoured drink) and I find it a really good boost in the morning (Berocca is popular for this, but I am cheap and therefore take the ripoff Lidl substitute!). I also take a dolomite supplement (calcium and…
  • As someone who spent a lot of time assuring herself (and being assured by other people) that 'you don't look it' I'm gonna be straight with you as I kind of wish someone had been with me. You can tell, even from that photo that you're visibly carrying extra weight. It's not a full length photo either which tells me that…
  • I'm not sure whether to trust my weigh in this week - the scales claimed I lost 4.5 lbs. I've logged it as a 2.5lb loss (which I can believe based on deficit) and will see how they shape up next week. So LW: 159.5 CW (according to scales): 155 CW (logged): 157
  • I glanced in the mirror and realised my belly is almost flat. Not the nice kind of muscular flat you see and admire on gym-bunnies, but smooth all the same - only a little extra weight on it (and that's with 20/30lbs to go til my optimal weight). Now...if only my thighs would be so obliging. Also last night, I walked 1.5…
  • 5'5" and a half SW: 200 CW: 159.5 GW: 140 UGW: 130 I don't think I'd want to be under 130 but hey we'll see how I feel once I get there! The way I'm shaped makes it unlikely that much under that would look good on me.
  • 2. At 34H it's just too expensive to buy many of them - most of the time they cost about £50 each to get something with any support. So I wear those and occasional double-bra with my fairly supportive normal bras.
  • Everyone is going great guns! LW: 162 CW: 159.5 (and that was with clothes on! So hopefully next week when it's back to no-clothes weigh ins there'll be a loss as well)
  • Thank you for the suggestions! I'll google Karhus in particular. Appreciated. Excellent point! I've definitely noticed that things are so much more expensive here. Thanks for the ebay tip also
  • I think you're wrong. By your logic measuring tapes shouldn't be sold in shops, celery should be banned and bathroom scales are the devil's invention. All of those things can be misused in relation to eating disorders, but don't blame the method for someone else's disordered thinking. MFP helps a lot of people, the few…
  • I weighed in at 162 pounds (loss of 2.5) from last week's weight of 164.5.
  • UK size 10 would be ideal for me (US size 6). I've been a size 6/8 (US 2/4) in the past and it looked horrible on me as I have a fairly broad frame - wide shoulders, large breasts, wideset hips, so to be a size 6/8 meant I had to be an extremely low weight. Size 10 feels like it'll be just right for my height/shoulders.
  • Well as you can see from my ticker, I really like Supernatural! I'm also a general nerd - I read a lot especially old sci-fi/fantasy books, and in general waste way more of my time than can be healthy on the net. The most nerdy thing I do (that I'm willing to admit) is write fic, but that's pretty damn nerdy!
  • Finished: Brasseye Generation Kill The Wire Have I Got News For You Airing: Justified and Supernatural are the only two shows that I watch as they air though I did enjoy Orange is the New Black.
  • SW: 175.6 LW: 166.5 TW: 164.5 Just over 11 pounds lost since this challenge began. If it keeps up then I'll meet my goal weight by Christmas! It'll get harder I guess, now that my TDEE is lower from the weight loss but I think I might start to up my exercise to combat that.
  • Which reminds me of this http://www.rdrop.com/~wyvern/data/houseplants.html
  • I'm currently a UK 14 (US 10) at 5'5 (and a half) and weighing 165 lbs. My measurements are almost perfectly in-line with the classic 14 - 41 inch bust, 30 inch waist and 40 inch hips. However when I weighed 200lbs I was...still a 14 (US 10) though occasionally I wore a 16 (US 12) though that might well be due to vanity…