Xaviernonni Member


  • Kettlebells!! But I would definitely recommend a few sessions with an RKC certified instructor to get form down pat. It's one of those things that looks intimidating, but is very safe and effective if done correctly.
  • There are pros and cons for each: Treadmill: no need to carry water/phone/ID, potty close by if necessary, fan directly on me, NO DEER FLIES! However...BOOOORING!! On the road: need pockets, watch out for dogs/cars/bugs, carry water, but great scenery, fresh air, other runners to be encouraged by...
  • Hello, ladies!! I'm so glad to see an over-50 group that actually has lots of activity! I loves me some cyper-friends! LOL! By way of introduction, I'm a full-time "domestic engineer" (can't say SAHM anymore since the last "bird" left the nest a few weeks ago!), married for almost 30 years to the love of my life. Mom to 3…