Avienda555 Member


  • Like whole 30 focus on high quality fats and no sugar or high carb ingredients. So for example, whole 30 may say dates or honey are OK, but not on keto.
  • How about fats like avocado, coconut oil, butter, cream, etc? I haven't tried them yet, but people make fat bomb recipes. I do bullet proof coffee in the morning, which is pretty much butter coffee.
  • I'm 5'2.5 which I round to 5'3" and I have 50lbs to lose. I've also been successful previously and then let my bad habits creep back in. I was down to 130lbs (my goal weight) in 2006 and between getting more into my career and having two kids, I've totally let myself go. The good news is that we know HOW to do the…