

  • Oh my goodness I love this list! I just printed it out and my goal is to not eat at all from the bottom 2. (except I have this horrible diet coke addiction and am in no way ready to give that up!) I have those last 10-15 pounds to lose... they've creeped on since I graduated college (and stopped dance classes) and I'm…
  • I've been doing the sandwich thing for lunch... I just use 1 piece of bread and pile all my other stuff in the middle... I also use laughing cow instead of any mayo
  • I had a similar experience... But I'm still determined to keep going... On my last run of week 1, I decided to run with The Boyfriend outside... I'm not doing that again! I think at first I want to just get through this and really make it "easy" on myself: controlled temperature, wind, speed, incline, etc. Maybe later I'll…
  • Any calorie information on these yummies?
  • Thanks, everyone. (And yes, I do have a fridge, but no one enjoys eating the same casserole once a day for a week!) I'll check out the websites, too.