xmarye Member


  • I love some cream cheese with sugar free caramel syrup on top. Definitely tastes like a cheesecake, without all the calories! Usually I'll have whatever I want in moderation. I love ice cream and sprinkles, dark chocolate with peanut butter smeared on top. Pistacchio pudding is the bomb!!!
  • I also always go for creamy dressings, cheese and bacon bits. I have to make them yummy and filled up like crazy otherwise I won't feel satiated. I loooooove salad. I also did this taco salad lately with lettuce and spinach, taco meat, tomatoes, onions, peppers, cheese, salsa, sour cream and crumbled tortilla chips on top.…
  • First of all 1000 net isn't enough, like others have said. My goal is 1200 calories. I started at 186, currently at 176 and trying to reach 140lbs. It isn't always enough though, so if I need to I bump it up by a few 100 calories. I have found that for this amount of calories to sustain me, I need to make sure I include…
  • If you truly are living on barely any calories, sipping on coffee, you probably either have the high calorie coffees from the shops (I used to have 4-6 Tim Horton's large double double, which are almost 300cals each, OUCH!) so you going way over the calories you're logging, or you must binge on the weekends... Otherwise…
  • I like to weigh in everyday because my weight is up one day, down the next and it's pretty inpredictable and I would hate missing out on knowing about my progress. So I weigh in everyday and log when there's a loss from the last lowest weight. I don't know many people that do it the way I do it though. I also have the…
  • I just started at 186.6lbs on October 1st, and lost 9.4lbs so far! My goal weight is 140lbs, and I am the same height as you. I used to look like your after picture before I had my 3 children and let myself go because of boredom and depression. Thank you so much for sharing these pictures, it is really encouraging seeing…
  • Breakfast: Couple coffees with cream and sugar, bowl of maple and brown sugar oatmeal with a sliced apple Lunch: Whole grain tortilla wrap with spinach, tomatoes, onions, chicken, cheese and honey mustard and carrot sticks Dinner: Chicken Caesar salad with cheese and croutons Dessert: Two graham crackers and cool whip…
  • I like to think... what you don't use you lose! About 6 months ago my mobility had gone so bad, I had trouble sitting down and getting up, and getting up the stairs was a huge deal everytime. I climbed slowly one stair at a time and it was very painful. I worked hard and consistently, but most of all, very progressively. I…
  • Congratulations on your weight loss/maintenance!! So so so inspiring! I always went for low carb diets and such in the past (which didn't work since I am back here I guess!) and decided this time that I would form good sustainable habits. I used to graze all day on processed crap. I would eat entire bags of chips and…
  • My husband can control himself around all kind of foods. I had more trouble. I am developing my self-control though! I stash his treats in a bin at the top of the pantry, and he knows that he can go in there whenever he has a sweet tooth. The bin kinda acts as a mental barrier for me lol. I try to focus on eating three…
  • A few things that put together made me say: it's enough! Before: -Eating to the point of my stomach hurting, and still feeling hungry. Everyday. -Spending most evenings in a food coma and not wanting to do anything. -Ending up at the store every night to buy more junk because I would empty the cupboards daily. No…
  • It's do-able, but going this low requires lots of veggies in my opinion for nutrition, and volume! I do 1200cals. Hunger fluctuates, some days I'm fine at 1200, other days I want more, or some days are busyer and I don't think about food at all. If I really am hungry, I'll add an extra 100-200cals. If I exercise, I eat…
  • Just had my breakfast which was a whole grain tortilla wrap with an egg, spinach, peppers, tomatoes and onions with a tiny bit of mayo and cheese, a carrot and 3 strawberries with an ice cold glass of water! :blush:
  • OMG so inspiring!! I am starting at a size 14/16 and trying to get to a size 6/8 and some days I feel like it's so unnatainable! Way to make it happen! Congratulations on your weight loss! ox
  • What helped me at first was to write everything I had on my heart. It went something like: I am so fed up of being like this, I keep trying but I'm running in circle and I feel like I can't do it. I know I can but I don't feel like I deserve it... etc. Everything I actually believed at that point. After I was done I felt…
  • Same here! I have 37lbs more to lose, but I am focusing right now on how many pounds I want to lose until my birthday next month, and it is really motivating because it's almost within reach!
  • Im turning 26 years old next month, I have three kids age 4, 2 and 9 months. Lost 9lbs in two weeks and looking to lose 37lbs more. I am currently 177lbs and my goal weight is 140lbs. My height is 5'5''! Would love some new friends that are trying to lose the baby weight too! :blush:
  • I was a fan of low carb diets because of lack of self control, but finally made peace with carbs and simply count calories. I naturally tend to eat less carbs (around 100-140g) and more fat though. I have lost 10lbs in 2 weeks eating healthy balanced meals with a dessert everyday after dinner. I even had a Big Mac and lost…
  • I can have anything I want, within my calories. If I go over, no problem. Just get right back on the next day! But to avoid being in a situation where I lose control and my treat turns into a full on binge, I have something sweet daily after dinner. Also, if I want a burger, I'll just have a burger. Maybe only pick 2-3…
  • Avocado... I tried so many times and I just can't bring myself to like it!
  • I make sure to include lots of vegetables in my meal so that I feel fuller for only a few more calories. I actually have gone wild on salads lately, but the GOOD ONES! With creamy dressing, cheese and crunchy toppings. :wink: I literally go through 2 heads of lettuce and 1 tub of spinach per week! My breakfast is usually a…
  • In the past, whenever I would diet it I would eat 100% clean until I would give up and go back to eating everything I want. This time, I figured I would try eating 3 healthy meals a day with lots of veggies while keeping enough calories for a sweet treat after dinner. This is a way of eating that I could see myself keeping…
  • That's how I would do it too. Have you considered planning for your day and pre-logging? That way you ensure you have enough calories for the end of the day. It also takes the guess work out of it by having a plan, you never have to wonder what you will be eating. I sometimes decide to swap out things if I feel like it or…
  • On behalf of all Canadians, we'll excuse you. For this time. :wink:
  • Never heard about the paper towel analogy before. Brilliant! According to your 10%, only 10lbs more and I should see a pretty good difference. Thanks for sharing!
  • Counting my calories and focusing on a balanced diet where I eat things that taste great and are healthy (hello great huge amazing salads with creamy dressings, cheese, croutons and everything my heart desires!). I focus on cutting down on snacks, eating 3 good meals (used to snacks all day on less than nutritive things,…
  • This! I don't sweat it if I go over. I pay more attention to my weekly net average then the daily numbers. You gotta keep the big picture in mind!
  • I was a lifter and runner prior to having kids, at 135lbs. Now after three kids, I was sitting at 185lbs with joints so stiff I could barely sit up and down (I would grunt like an old man everytime), and going up the stairs was a struggle, it would take me so long, one step at a time. I too am at home and no access to a…
  • So sorry for your loss. You are very courageous to share with others. I command you for taking your health in your own hands to be the best mom you can be for your son. My reason: Difficult pregnancies made it hard to remain active. I was really active before, running and lifting weights multiple times per week. Then I…