Lifesauthour Member


  • Good for you! Women (me too) have this common misconception we SHOULDN'T lift heavy. But I know, if I want the body I want, I'm going to have to lift and push myself. You could lift every day if you wanted to, but what you need to do is rotate the areas. For instance: If today you do upper body, tomorrow do Legs/Core. If…
  • We're in the same boat, chica. I've been working out and dieting since the 7th, and only THIS week did I see any difference in the scale. I went online and researched what muscle groups to work out, how long to work out, and all of that. You'll get there. Just stay focused. Feel free to add me if you like and need support,…
  • I think they just wanted you to get a more specialized take on the matter. Sometimes it's a diet issue, you have to eat to lose weight, most people don't realize that. My trainer told me constantly (cause I had a habit of not eating enough then would damn near pass out for workouts) that you have to eat enough for your…
  • You're absolutely an inspiration, really you are. It takes time but you've proved to all of us who have a number that may seem daunting to have faith and confidence. :flowerforyou: Let us know if you have any tips for getting through hard times.
  • Every time a Weigh, I log. Period. It keeps me honest. Granted, I don't weigh often, once every couple weeks and I never kill myself over a pound here and a pound there.
  • It's funny -- because I'm eating around 7 am (breakfast), 9 am, 11 am (lunch), 1 (pm), 3 (pm) -- so I"m eating about every two hours. But like yesterday, I noticed between 1 - 3... I wanted to eat anything I could get my hands on. I managed to keep it healthy, thank god... but it's still hard. Maybe switching up what I'm…