

  • I burnt 441 today if i keep it steady i will be at least 10lb lighter by graduation day woop woop pics will look good. Keep up the good work wow 4:30am i've have no chance i usually get in at that time geez u woman are amazing!!!
  • Hey im 23 but im hear to lose 27 :D its my first day and this site is awesome finally no more confusion on what i've actually consumed its all done 4 yah :D Im currently trying to lose weight for my graduation and a stabilisation operation on my knee to make exercises even more enjoyable. well good luck xx
  • Hi everyone well I’m student life has been hard on me and I can’t say I have put my fitness at the forefront of my priorities late nights or 24hrs days have caused me to snake at the wrong times on the wrong things and I have put on 5kgs. My ultimate goal is to get into my skinny jeans you know the ones at you keep in hope…