

  • I am with you! I have 36 to go, lost 3. How long have you been trying? When you first change your habits your body can take a while... its adjusting to your changes. Hang in there woman you CAN do it!!!! If you have been trying for a long time with diet and excercise and still getting might need to see your…
  • Love is you, Chrisette Michele
  • 73lbs wow! Congrats!!! How do you maintain?
  • They are super sweet... I do not personally like them, and yes they are processed but if they quell your urge for something sweet do it up! Like some said in earlier posts...make sure you drink lots of water or going to the bathroom could become a bad adventure. :embarassed:
  • Holy abs batman!! LOL Years ago when I was a dancer my abs were amazing. My belly is flat, but without definition... do you know a great ab workout or move that doesn't put stress on the lower back? I have a tri level spinal fusion in my lumbar region and regular sit ups are super painful.
  • Great Job!! Tell me it gets easier! I cannot wait to post my before and after photos! Congrats! All my life I heard people say "wait til your older slim it gets hard to lose weight" but I was always in great shape with little effort....and then I turned 30 and I suddenly understood what everyone had been telling me. Crap…