rethers Member


  • I'll be finishing Day 3 today after work. I agree with DJ31, those side lunges with front raises makes my shoulders burn! Right now, I start out raising both arms then switch to alternating, then try to finish with both. Just part of working up to being able to do it all. I like this workout, it seems to go really quick. I…
  • I have several of hers. Here are the ones I have and my review: Cardio Kickbox: good video for a quick cardio workout that still tones. No equipment required. Fair sweat; Hi-med heartrate levels. Easy to memorize routine so you can put on your own music. JM 6 Pack Abs: no review. Haven't done it yet. I'm skerred. :) JM…
  • I like your idea of doing each level for 10 days. I was also wondering if others were doing this every day. I guess I will try to do the same. Last night I went home with every intention of doing the workout then got a call from my boss and had to do more work. By the time I got done I couldn't get the tv to come on!! Some…
  • too late to join you all? I've got that dvd at home and will start it tonight! looking forward to the extra motivation! :)
  • that looks like a good workout. I've always been skeptical of hitting each body part once a week with weights. I know it's better than never but it doesn't seem like I've ever gotten any serious toning from it. I think perhaps twice a week would be best but the challenge in that is committing to the time it takes. I like…
  • [ I am doing strength training/lifting 2-3 times per week ] Hi. I'm curios to know how you split up your strength training? ...and how in the heck do you quote someone? lol
  • Hi. I'm curios to know how you split up your strength training?
  • This sounds like a group I can associate with.....I always feel bad in other groups because I don't have a lot of weight to lose but I do need to lose about 10-15 pounds (for my liking). I'm in a healthy weight range but I could definitely look and feel better. I get on kicks of eating right and exercising and fade out…