kbella1218 Member


  • The same thing happens to me. I sit very close to that evil vending machine. I find if I ever cave then it's all over with and I fall completely off the wagon. But when you do, just pick yourself back up and keep going. Don't beat yourself up or say it's no good to keep trying. We all have "bad" days.
  • OMG this is just been my last week. Except I caved. I am back on the wagon today, had a kale shake for breakfast, lean cuisine for lunch and special K bar for snack. Cooking a healthy dinner. Best of luck to you, those cravings are so tough! :bigsmile:
  • i am ashamed to say i own a very nice ellptical sitting in my bedroom. i lost 60 lbs doing that alone about 4 yrs ago. now that the weather is nicer my dh & i are going to take lil guy for some walks. thanks for the reply