I would like to join as well
Count me in I would like join
Me too I’m in
I would like to join it’s late but I can update my weekly weights dating back to the 13
I would also like to join
I bought one of her dvd and yeah it does give you a good workout I actually did it for 3 days last week along with my 1200 hundred calorie diet and I lost 4lbs
@wildone4 I didnt agree with the no exercise part either I think Im gonna try the diet with exercise and see how it works:smile:
Its a popular diet in japan I was reading about a couple in Japan started its two bananas for breakfast as many as it take to get full with luke warm water than lunch meal as usual, 3pm snack, and dinner as usual before 8pm no soda juice just water luke warm with each meal and it says to try and avoid dairy products I…