

  • thanks Shiv, the Muller rice has really only been this week as i've been pushed for time with work, normally it's weetabix. I found porridge a bit bloating, but have bought some gluten free stuff, so will keep off the Muller rice. If i have coffee at home i do have sweetener, perhaps I'll go back to tea, I can drink that…
  • backatcha ik290480, I'm sure we'll get there :) I have 10 weeks until my birthday, so if I keep going I'll reach my goal by the time I gain a year x I'm glad I started posting, how do I add people on here?
  • bmi is 22.9, so not too worried about that and only have another 9lbs to reach my target. My usual day goes like this: 2 weetabix with semi skimmed milk 9am coffee white one sugar 10.30 apple 1pm tuna or chicken or prawn and lots of salad. Fruit salad of strawberries, blueberries, grapes, nectarine, raspberries 5pm banana…
  • I've changed so you can see my food intake. I'm not sure about sodium, i'll go and check. Other than that, I'm going to add strength training (i actually love body pump, but haven't been for ages as it's on at a crap time at my gym) and try to be patient.
  • ha, when you put it like that it doesn't sound so bad :) It just feels very slow..
  • hey, thanks for replying. Yes, inches stayed the same?
  • Good luck, 2lb 8oz a week, that's an ambitious goal. It's not impossible, but you'd have to be super good, you may want to think about adjusting your goal a little so that you're not diappointed if you don't lose quite that much. Are you doing lots of exercise?