

  • thanks Angie at lest I'm not alone
    in help Comment by sam0611 April 2011
  • Shimila You lost 13 lbs seem to be doing good ! What do your tabs say?? What do you focus on?
    in help Comment by sam0611 April 2011
  • shimila1101 I only have calories, carbs, fat and protein on mine. I do not have sodium or fiber??
    in help Comment by sam0611 April 2011
  • Thank guys. I seem to do ok with the calories but way over on the fat. So does anyone stay on target with all. So I hear to stay at or under calories and on target with fiber?
    in help Comment by sam0611 April 2011
  • thank you so much for your help. It will be some time and work but I will figure it out. Do you know If you are suppose to consume all the fiber each day?
    in help Comment by sam0611 April 2011
  • wow that was a pretty rude response!!!!!!!!
    in help Comment by sam0611 April 2011
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