

  • Thank you for all the info. I really appreciate it!
  • I asked about the Venus Factor to see if anyone has experience with it. So I could further ask more detailed questions about it. I don't want to spend money on something if I don't have to or if it's not exactly what I want/need. They advertised "still eat what you want" that appealed to me "not restricting my diet to any…
  • I'm not looking for a "fad diet" . Key word I mentioned is I want to do something that "Supports Healthy Nursing" and also aids in weight loss...Not restricting my diet to any extreme. ( Read thoroughly next time )
  • I'm not sure what your troll is but I read through a bit of your link and my biggest concern is factoring in how to figure out where I need to be to as far as my calorie intake to support healthy nursing and still lose weight. I'm 5'6" and currently at around 150 and I want to get back to around 125-130 ish.
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