EL704 Member


  • I've found something that works well which adds some calories without any sugar or fat!!! (I know... it took me a while!!) VEGEMITE! Yeah I know.... it's not as gross as marmite, and I can just about cope with a 5g teaspoon of it on a cracker / bread - but you can stir it into soups, casseroles etc and it's full of lovely…
  • I just think some of the anti-headphone runners need to look at it the other way round, If you were looking forward to a race you signed up to and paid up and you get to the start line and they say, "Ok everyone, headphones on, you all get these lovely noise cancelling earphones... don't wear them and you're disqualfied...…
  • I've always run with music, it never occurred to me not to I guess as I am so used to needing to drown out traffic. I've currently got vestibular damage/ balance issues and very loud tinnitus which makes me nauseous - until I put music on, it doesn't have to be loud just enough to have a rhythm to take away from the…
  • thanks everybody! I am gonna keep going and try out some of the dvds, and things suggested - hopefully will be able to make a difference! I just miss running so much... guess I'll just have to wait on that front!