

  • First of all, try not considering what you are doing as a diet, but more of a lifestyle, or life choices, if you will. We make informed choices every day. Sometimes, we just made poor ones, sometimes, as in your case, we don't have all the information we need to make the choice we would like to make. Use this as a learning…
  • My favorite is: 1 frozen banana 1.5 cups of almond milk (I use unsweetened) 2 tablespoons of Just Great Stuff organic powdered peanut butter 1 tablespoon of carob powder ( cocoa powder can be used, I don't do caffeine) 2 teaspoons of organic stevia powder After blending the ingredients, I put the mixture into the freezer…
  • Oh My! I think I would float away. I drank 10 (8 oz glasses) and felt waterlogged. Good for you!
  • I drive a truck during the day. Before I start my day, I place water bottles in a duffle bag and drink them during the routes I drive(I like my water room temp). By the end of the day, I usually drink between 4 to 6 bottles of water. I know where all the places to stop and use the restroom are located too! :) I also fill a…
  • I am currently working out in the morning and in the evening. I find that I like the morning workouts better. I have started this journey recently and have 90 pounds to shed. I think you have to do what works best for you, otherwise we tend as humans to just not do it...