

  • When we first start a new fitness plan, our body wants to hold onto our weight and fat. If it's only been a month, it shouldn't be surprising that you haven't seen results yet. Typically, results begin to show at least six weeks in (and it isn't unusual for it to take even longer), so don't worry if you aren't losing…
  • "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" is a quote used by people who follow the thinspiration movement. The movement is often linked with eating disorders such as anorexia. "Skinny" doesn't mean anything if you aren't healthy. You can be skinny and feel much, much worse than if you are overweight. You should aim to be…
  • First, as everyone said, there could be calculation errors and your net calorie intake is higher than what is logged in. Second, our bodies are resistant to changing at first and will try to hold onto that weight. After two months, you should have lost some weight, but this is a point to consider. Third, if we do not get…