jhalpin78 Member


  • I have had pretty severe allergies and asthma for about 15 years. I find that when I exercise regularly, the asthma gets better, probably because my cardio system is in better shape. The main thing is to be careful, know your limits, and keep an inhaler with you when you exercise. If I know I'll be outside, I make sure I…
  • It sounds like you should talk to your dr again, or see an endocrinologist. That's a pretty high dose of synthroid!
  • Plain nonfat greek yogurt and fruit.. sometimes with a little honey. Greek yogurt is like.. WonderFood!
  • Also, it's contagious. I had a doctor tell a friend that it's not (regular Staph probably isn't so much but MRSA can be).. so you should be extra vigilant when taking care of the wound. Usually I'd never say this, but antimicrobial soap is probably a good thing, or you can get something called Hibiclense at most drugstores…
  • I think some other people have said things along these lines, but.. Do not mess around with Staph. Go back and insist they take a culture to see if it's MRSA. Often doctors don't, even though it's pretty common. Do some research and make sure the drug they give him will work for MRSA (I had bactrim, but it depends on how…