

  • I just started checking my bottles and you're right, not only do they have Calories (WTF?!?) but alcohol. This sounds like grounds for a class action lawsuit. This could have gotten me fired if I didn't bring it to work in a Nalgene bottle.
  • If you don't lose weight then you'll definitely have man boobs. Worry about the weight and understand that this is an ongoing process. You'll lose the weight, have a little loose skin but it'll tone up. The longer you wait though the worse it'll be.
  • Gotcha, well even though I don't really love them eggs are always a good quick way to have a meal without using a lot of calories. I often will scramble two eggs, cover it in baby cabbage and a little light sour cream and salsa and for a few hundred calories you have a super quick and good meal. It's sort of my go to if…
  • Welcome and way to be, 30lbs is awesome! If that's a current pic I honestly can't imagine you needing to lose another 40 but good for you :)
  • First off good luck, only 7 left to go it looks like! For me it's finding low calorie things I enjoy. I crave variety in my food for the most part, so I try to do new things constantly. I also make sure I never to have things that I'll snack on in the house. For instance I love crackers and cookies (like everyone I guess)…
  • Finding time to make yourself food can be so hard but so rewarding when you get it right. Anything you won't eat? What's your cooking level?
  • I think the idea of spandex shorts underneath your workout wear (shorts, skirt, pants) is the way to go. I started taking my dog on really long walks and got this and I wear briefs (I'm a guy obviously) that are tight around my legs and go down a little. It helps but lower down I still get a little chaffing.
  • Welp, I'm never eating again
  • Roasted vegetables are always great though you have to be careful about calories in oils. Other options would be a garden scramble, so an egg, a bunch of baby spinach, tomatoes, onions and some hot sauce like tapatio.
  • I dunno, she seems very upbeat, likes hot tubs and coffee. Maybe?