

  • My goal is to learn to swim :/
  • Hi all! This group is exactly the sort of thing that I've been looking for. I'm super excited to join! I'm trying to lose 10 pounds by Thanksgiving. My goal for September is to start my new healthy eating/weight loss habits: I'm going to plan my day's (healthy) meals the night before. I'm going to have one cheat meal a…
  • I'm between 5'2 and 5'3" and I'm 121 pounds aiming for 109 pounds. As a short person (or just about anyone, these days) it's important to remember that the serving sizes they give you in restaurants are a lot bigger than what you need. One thing I always used to do, though, is buy a giant burrito bowl from Chipotle and 1/3…
  • Hi! I suffer from a cycle of restriction and overeating. I've recently lost 50 pounds rather quickly, and I'm joining myfitnesspal to see if I can lose the last bit of weight and maintain my goal weight in a healthy manner, without falling into a pattern of restricting and binging.