

  • Gaining muscle, losing fat. But, look at it this way.....even though the scale isn't shifting much YET (I say yet, because it will), the muscle you're building now will burn fat.
  • I log it all......the good, bad, and sometimes ugly......if I eat it, I log it. But, to each their own.
  • Your Shape Fitness for Kinect has so many different levels of workouts to choose from and they will definitely make you use muscles you forgot you had, giving you a serious workout. I love it! :smile:
  • Hello! I just joined 11 days ago. I've lost 2 lbs so far, but have gained lots of muscle. I'm 5'10", my current weight is 168 and I just turned 40 a few months ago and figured it was about time I got off my butt and really made the commitment to lose the extra weight once and for all, or at least turn the fat into muscle.…