Sounds to me like you've got it all figured out, for the most part. With the exception of your weight. I'd advise you to cut calories where you can. Instead of mayo, have mustard. If you have to have bread, have wheat instead of white. Brown rice instead of white. Little changes, that you'll barley notice, if at all, will…
I hear it's good for your hair. (If you're white) But I haven't tried it myself so I can't speak from experience.
I'm a yo-yo exerciser. I'll walk 5 miles a day 5 days a week, go to the gym 3-6 times a week and even do some cruches at home here and there. It'll last 2-3 weeks and then BANM! Like hitting a brick wall I'll just come to a screaching halt! I'll go from being active from the second my feet hit the floor in the morning to…
I weigh first thing in the morning, after I pee but before I eat or drink anything.
I started yesterday and I've barley moved from my recliner since! Horrible cramps, exhaustion, moody. I think I want to eat more out of simple boredom but I try very hard not too. Normally I walk 5 miles first thing in the morning, but it hurts too much to move when I'm on my period so no you are most definitely not alone!