

  • I had lost 70 pounds and in the years since, I had gained it all back. I've now lost 21 of that. It is frustrating when you feel like "well, I've been on this place on the scale before!!" I am learning the hard way that you have to treat yourself like an addict and therefore, can never, never let your guard down. I seemed…
  • Also ready to tackle 2014. I'm successful when I focus on nutrition (never the diet word) and make sure I have physical activity everyday. So since October 2, I've gained 11 pounds because I did not follow my plan. I feel very hopeful for 2014 and re-committing to myself. Remember: don't look back, we are not going that…
  • Depends on your sex, height, current weight and activity level. There are calculators online to figure out what your daily nutrition goals should be. I read once that you should multiply your GOAL weight by 10 to get your daily calorie count. For instance, if you want to weigh 120, you should eat 1200 calories. If you are…
  • Read "Eat to Live". Dr. Furhman was on Dr. Oz a few weeks ago and presents a life plan for nutrition, not a diet. I started a week ago and feel so great and full of energy. Bonus, I lost 3 pounds in the first week.
  • Funny post, Barbara. Thanks I was about 40 pounds overweight when my husband passed in 2010. I then gained 40 pounds more. I finally got my brain back a few months ago and did weight watchers for a 3 month stint to get back in the swing of things. Now back with FP. Have lost 15 pounds. Have 60 pounds to go by my trip to…
  • Depends on your health. If you have DIabetes or any kidney problems, you should stick with about 80 gm per day. Protein works your kidneys so you should ask your doctor or nutritionist. 300gm of protein in one meal is quite a bit a protein.
  • My daily goal is 1200 calories. I eat low fat cottage cheese and lots of veggies to keep full. My biggest cheat is exercise, though. I workout daily with a goal of 300 calories. That gives me 1500 calories per day to eat. I still lose 2+ pounds per weeks, which is my goal. Even if you only want to stroll for 20-30 minutes,…
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