

  • If it is gradual people that you see daily might not be noticing. If you run into someone you have seen in 6 months to a year they will probably notice. I never weigh myself right after a work out for the same reasons you are stating, I always gain after a workout because of the water I drink and the lactic acid in my…
  • A healthy weight range for 5'6 is 125-155 so you aren't very far off of the top of your range. Don't focus too much on your waist measurement as body types can play into waist measurement. Focus in how you are feeling. You may want to head to you DR. and talk to them. They may have suggestions.
  • It is also possible that you aren't eating enough calories and your body is going into starvation mode and holding on to weight. I weigh 234, am 5'3, female, and trying to loose 1 lb a week. MFP has set my calories at 1,910. You are taller than me, and male, you probably need more than 1500-2000 calories a day. Slow and…
  • Here is the link to the article that Runner's World ran. The link should take you right to the page for DD+ but if not, it's the 3rd page. http://www.runnersworld.com/article/0,7120,s6-240-323--13727-3-1X2-3,00.html