bingbingwing89 Member


  • Lift heavy weight like other poster mentioned. I do deadlifts, squats, etc... with heavy weights. Most people guess my weight about 10-20# lighter than I am. Increasing your lean body mass through weight training will lower you body fat percentage.
  • Bad run day was on July 5th. My foot slipped on some gravel and I got road rash on both palms of my hands, elbow, shoulder and several fingers. I didn't break anything, but I am missing a lot of skin. It's going to take some time to heal. Good run day was a few weeks ago when I did my long run of 10 miles. I am training…
  • ^^This! If you are not weighing food with a scale, your calorie count will be inaccurate. Weight loss is about burning more cals than you eat - whether you create the deficit through running or diet or a combination. I am training for a half marathon where my long runs are upwards of 15 miles. I am not losing weight…