Chicken thighs and breasts, and I'm a cheapskate so I get a cheap roast and cut it into steaks. Good (enough) eats.
“It is difficult to find anything more healthy to drink than good cold water, such as flows down to us from springs and snows of our mountains. This is the beverage we should drink. It should be our drink at all times.” - Brigham Young This may not apply if you don't have any mountains. That said, if you can't drink…
That there? That's a good pun.
I think you may be reading the wrong websites.
Planet Fitness: Where fitness is just an idea.
May I suggest that you buy a half-gallon and try it? It can be expensive, but I'm a fan. I prefer un-sweetened, un-vanilla'd, but I'm kind of h-core that way ☺
From scanning the comments, I am glad to see so many people understanding that dietary fat doesn't make you fat. It can mess with your liver, gall bladder, etc., if taken in excess, but in this country, we need to start liking fat. The South does not, as I gather, suffer from this aversion to fat. The problem with the…
There is a school of thought that calories do not directly equate to weight gain/loss, the quick example being that if you maintained a caloric deficit indefinitely, you would not eventually reach a weight of zero. In any event, I'm convinced that adiposity (fat) specifically is mainly a function of hormones, of which…
Willpower is a finite resource. Even the thoughest dudes run out if subjected day after day and so forth. You pretty much need to abolish "snack"-type foods from your house and life. This is assuming that you want to win.
@stevemphotog Perfect.
I think you're on to something here!
Almonds are excellent before, during, and after your workout. Good protein and good fat. Walnuts are nice and fatty with omega-3, excellent source of energy.
Sounds like the lady knows from whence she speaks!
I'd highly recommend Gary Taubes' "Why we get fat", superb book.
I must have a very special wife. She doesn't speak in code.
Probably a Slurpee. That way, when I barfed, my vomit would be very colorful.
10 lbs in 2 weeks is fantastic, by the way. Keep it up!
As I understand it, ideally you will eat or, better yet, drink, some proteins and carbs right after working out so your body can utilize them to build up that muscle. It's more important for muscle building. Protein shakes are good if you don't mind buying some. I have this before I work out (because my job provides it for…