Magabarb Member


  • I have a recipe that calls for 6 sheets of whole wheat phyllo. Cut it into a circle to fit over your filling. Brush 2 circles with 1 tsp oil and repeat with remaining circles and restack. Place the stacked phyllo on top of pie filling. Press down slightly so phyllo fits inside rim of pie pan. Bake it about 25 minutes until…
  • I do in-home walking with Leslie Sansone. I am up to 4 miles a day. I do 2 in the morning and 2 more in the afternoon. I watch my Grandkids full-time so this fits their schedul also. Good Luck.
  • I agree with Pizzy. I also eat every 2 to 3 hours up to one hour before bed. . I keep my Sugar Free snacks around 100 to 200 calories and meals under 500 caories. . I enjoy the Kashi bars.
  • Hello everybody!! I am here to have fun and learn on the way. This new way of life sounds very good to me!! Barb:smile: