

  • Agreed. For those of us that HAVE to eat gluten free most would rather not! My wish is that people stop thinking this is something you want to try out, it is not a weight loss tool, and is not optional for us. Why don't you try instead, eating pure whole foods and cooking in your kitchen rather than eating out of a box? I…
  • I will classify my reply by saying I am not an expert. That being said, I did lose weight with weight watchers a few years ago. With their program it doesn't matter how much exercise you do (for the average person - they do clarify that the rules are different if you are a nursing mother or training for a marathon), you…
  • Go team Black!!!
  • Team Black SW : 192 May GW: 187
  • Hi Team Black! I did my weigh-in this morning at 192 lbs. Yuk, I am up 0.6 from my regular weigh-in day of Sunday! I have been under my calorie goal and exercising regularly. I'm hoping it's just the natural flux of a few days. My monthly goal is to lost between 5-10 lbs by the end of this month! Here we go!!! Wendy
  • I would love to do this challenge! Count me in, but like others that have already posted I'm not sure how to join a group either...? ~Wendy~