

  • Your generally doing what most females do and get wrong... What you need to be aiming for is something called sarcoplasmic hypertrophy - this will give you better strength in the muscle but also help shape it so that when body fat goes down you are able to get the 'tone' Now, even though I don't know you, your…
  • And be careful as to who you take dietary advice from... Too many people offering advice dependant on their experience. Let me put it this way. I have a friend called max and he is a vegan, ripped and strong so that must be the best diet right? But then I have a friend called dan and he eats paleo (meat and veg). He is in…
  • Let me squash this quickly... First and foremost I am a nutritionist in the uk with a BSc in Exercise Nutrition and have been successfully coaching nutrition for 8 years. Right, herbalife= full or corn syrup, soya, sucralose and GMO ingredients. Yes you will "loose weight" but I dare you to get a real body fat test from an…