Always looking for a few new (active) friends. Especially, if you're interested in keeping in touch/ conversation. I don't want to be a collected friend, so I assume you expect the same from me ;)
Hmmmm, 6s. I think I'm a 5, but I can level up I suppose...
2 months until 30!! So, I guess I fall in to this group. Always looking for new friends to motivate and conversate with!! Add me if you like! :smiley:
Northern Virginia, USA
Just have to find something to occupy yourself with. When I start to waver, I try to find something that helps me continue to build on my goals. Read an interesting article or a book; find different projects; organize something. Anything that keeps me moving in a positive direction, even if it isn't weight loss. If I'm…
Check out RunKeeper. Probably the best running app I've ever used. Its really accurate (yes I measured) and you can actually keep up with friends on the app too. Its good when you need the motivation or want a small competition.
I'm gonna say.... Yup!
Chocolate milk
You can never underestimate the importance of good crowd support when it comes to getting into shape and/or losing weight. Add me and I'll add you.
Ok, so I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who's run across this. Its possible that with the fact that I have my first desk job ever the sudden extra exercise on a daily basis is causing me to hang on to a bit of water as well. I'll just hang in.
If you're only eating 1300-1400 then you may be stalling your metabolism a bit.
I'm with a good portion of other people here. I say write the detox material off as a loss and move to something that you would find a bit more enjoyable. There are plenty of detox options out there that could replace this one.