

  • I have never tried this but thought if your issue is chaffing (like at the top of your thigh) you might try wearing your normal undies and also a tight cotton short, like the little booty shorts that volleyball players wear or even men's boxer briefs.... just a suggestion :)
  • My husband and I made one of her Pizza-fied Chicken (link below) it was delicous! We both loved it, and plan on making more of her recipes :) http://www.cookingchanneltv.com/recipes/lisa-lillien/pizza-fied-chicken-recipe/index.html
  • My goal is to be the weight I am in my profile pic.... 30lbs thinner
  • I FEEL YOU SISTER! I had lost 30 lbs doing weight watchers about 7 years ago and maintained that wieght until about 1 year ago and I gained it all back :( I have been tring like crazy to lose the 30lbs I've gained back but it is hard!!! I want to wear my old clothes again... My husband has helped me get motivated and I…
  • For me I allow myself 2 (12oz cans) diet cokes a day, otherwise I am unable to stick to a diet, I need my caffeiene! But I alway make sure I drink my 8 glasses of water :)