My stepsons mother OD'ed and died on phentermine last September. I've taken that drug before and you feel like you are on speed. I couldn't do it. My doctor had told me you can not be on that drug more than three months as it causes heart issues. Then you have to take a several month break before you try it again. When my…
I've been in this situation before. My first husband gave me not only a hard time about my weight but threatened to leave me if I did not lose weight. I lost 60 lbs, realized I didnt want to be with him, and filed for divorce. After I filed I found out what he was doing on the side anyways and moved on. 8 years later I'm…
1. Don't be afraid to put yourself first. You are important! 2. Exercise 3. Protein 4. Water 5. Take baby steps. Small goals make a better reality..... The weight didnt pack on overnight.. it isnt going to come off in a day... be patient! Weigh yourself every day to stay on track....
I'm a sleever.. please add me :)
I am not a chocolate, vanilla, strawberry kind of girl so I use Syntrax Nectar brand. They have many flavors to choose from and mix like crystal light. My favorites are the Iced Tea Lemon and Fuzzy Navel. They have 25 grams of protein per scoop and low in sugar. Also safe for bariatric patients. :happy:
Way to go! :wink:
I am going to book a cruise! :wink:
I have PCOS as well and did not know this - but now all makes sense! I have the same issue with pants!