zorahgail Member


  • @Linda3y hang in there! In my experience motivation comes and goes and is unreliable for keeping me on track. Just keep taking action and doing the daily work and you WILL succeed. I've shared this in other threads but here are suggestions on how to stay consistent: 1. Remembering that consistency is built over time, and…
  • @HIIT_MAN your gym selfie game is strong!
  • @innerfatty91 yes, walking absolutely is great for you, not just for weight loss. Walking is how I started, and continues to be part of my regular routine now (maintaining a weight loss of 85-90 lbs.).
  • @knr1109 great job on reaching out. You're definitely not alone! I've been there many times. Here are some of the toughest, but most effective, lessons I've learned for long-term success. 1. Question and challenge my excuses. Do I like the excuses that I give? If yes, then cool. If not, why am I allowing them to dictate…
  • @santanaeveline motivation comes and goes, it's part of the process. What actions can you take to keep moving forward even when you're not feeling motivated? You CAN do it!
  • Way to go @thebozz7!
  • @cassiecalcote such a great question! Thanks for asking :) I hadn't thought about it in awhile but this time around my motivation is integrity. I want to prove I can keep promises to myself and do what I say I'll do.
  • Welcome to MFP @Mrs2Hall! Glad you've got a support team and we're here for you too. In my experience, having a positive attitude made a big difference. Trusting that I could succeed, and looking for ways to succeed, kept me motivated. Look at what strengths you already have (emotional, physical, spiritual) that can work…
  • @Drine85 first I want to acknowledge you for being courageous and reaching out when you're feeling defeated. That's a big deal so I'll celebrate that for you! :smiley: What you're going through is perfectly normal. You've got your eyes set on a goal and of course that's the metric you're comparing your progress by. The…
  • @jrevis001 and @Machka9 great job remembering the feeling will pass! Sometimes I tell myself "I can quit tomorrow but I have to get through today" on those tough days. Tomorrow I never feel like quitting LOL.
  • @diyadiamonds wear it proudly like the badass you are!
  • @asteriskthat that's great! Run with that clarity of focusing on fitness for now. You'll know when it's time to switch gears again. :# Please let me know how I can help!
  • So so true! Finding supportive, like-minded people can make a huge difference.
  • So glad this helped!
  • Mateusz M is one of my favorite channels!
  • @chocochip13 and @wrabbit007 so glad to hear I'm not the only one that struggles sometimes. Here are some things that have helped me when the struggle is oh-so-real. Let me know what you think! PS - At the end of the day you just gotta experiment and find out what works for you. :) 1. Remembering that consistency is built…
  • @GillianLF thank you for sharing! Such powerful insight. In my experience I'm seeing where self-sabotage is a signal for me to pay attention to a deeper issue. Right now I'm learning that sabotage kicks in when things start being really really good and amazing. Sounds nuts but it's like I'm only ok with a certain level of…
  • @anominus keep us posted and we got your back!
  • @ifyouonlylovedme first I want to acknowledge you for being courageous and posting on the boards. Great job! :) I've also had to change my relationship to food. Here are three tools that helped me. Let me know what you think! - Be Kind. Being kind to myself is absolutely non-negotiable. No beating myself up. No judgment.…
  • Ditto on what's already been said @jasmine3012015. The quote from your original post reminded me of something I wish I'd known when I was losing weight: Use your strengths to help you! What strengths (mental, emotional, physical) do you already have that can help you?
  • @Jeanmk56 I love love love that you're doing this! So awesome. Thank YOU for being a force for positivity in the world. :)
  • Welcome back! Great job on re-committing. Life happens and that's perfectly ok. We're human :smiley: How can you start feeling successful right now? For me baby steps sometimes even feel overwhelming, so I'll break it down until it's impossible for me to fail at. One of my goals is to eat 4-5 fruit/veggie servings a day.…
  • @anominus way to go on being honest. It takes courage to own up to where you are, especially when shame and fear are involved. Ditto on what's been said regarding thinking, feeling, and acting in positive ways as you make changes. In my own experience attitude and consistency are critical. A few things that help me deal…
  • Portland for me too!
  • Here are the stats: S - 380 lbs. B - 172 lbs. D - 363 lbs. T - 915 lbs. 8 Oregon state records (all open and sub-masters) 6 American records (s/b/t open and sub-masters) Best Overall Female 5.6x bodyweight 398.15 Wilks score (+24 point increase from previous best) 110 lbs. meet PR
  • Thanks @Fittreelol :) As you saw on IG, I didn't get my 1K total. I probably had closer to 950 physically, but only managed to execute the 915. Still happy with it though :)
  • @CarlKRobbo - Two things have helped my grip. 1) Doing 1,000+ pull-ups in a month. 2) Holding the bar for 5-10 seconds after each heavy pull. Or, holding bar as long as possible on last rep of each set. If I fail, it's never because of grip. Good luck!
  • @BrittaneyH_7712 that all makes perfect sense. Getting in much needed "me" time is so so important. Thanks for letting us know more about what's going on, I feel like I understand more about your situation. So to go back to your original post, how's your motivation level doing now? How else can we help you? :smiley:
  • @DrEnalg yes, I also relate. Even when maintaining an 85-90 lb. loss for about 7 years the image in my head didn't always match up to what I saw in the mirror. When I first reached my goal weight, I wasn't excited either. Now that I've gained weight for performance purposes, there's part of me that's more comfortable being…
  • @BrittaneyH_7712 congrats on getting back into the gym! 1 week in and 3 lbs. down is awesome. Thanks for sharing your challenges; motivation can be so tricky! I'm curious, have you looked into home workouts or bodyweight workouts that you can do without going to the gym? That way you don't have to deal with the 30 minute…