zorahgail Member


  • I've been there, feeling overly guilty and having food/exercise/diet be on the brain non-stop. Fortunately, I no longer suffer. I absolutely had to separate my self-worth/self-esteem from food/weight/diet/exercise. I also had to re-write a lot of the stories I had about myself and create a solid sense of self that had…
  • Fellow emotional eater here too. Here's my favorite practice for learning to feel feelings, which eventually led to less emotional eating. This was created by one of my mentors, Sally Hope, and she calls it the LOVE Technique. L – Let whatever feelings that are there FULLY be there. Really feel them and let them wash over…
  • Deadlifting 380 lbs/173 kgs for 2 reps, then later that night doing a single rep with chains so total deadlift weight was 435 lbs/198 kgs. :smiley:
  • Converse. Anything with a stiff, flat sole.
  • Pick one thing/change/behavior that you feel good about doing, that seems the easiest to do, and go from there. Rinse and repeat daily.
  • Yep, I had similar struggles with self-sabotage when trying to lose weight. You're not alone! Accountability was huge for me to just get exercising and eating right. Yes, I still binged. Yes, I still emotionally ate. Yes, I still skipped workouts. Over time, the consistency added up, and I lost 90-95 lbs. Eventually I…
  • Welcome to MFP! I'm also a stress/emotional eater so I relate to what you shared. In my experience, feeling uncomfortable feelings takes practice. Here's a snippet that I shared on my feed re: deep breathing: Get quiet. Every time I go to the bathroom (it's private haha!), I'll take 3 deep breaths to simply check-in with…
  • Congrats on your meet! I remember watching you lift; I was there supporting some of my teammates. Hope to see you at future meets @eazy__
  • As a powerlifter this thread makes me so happy! Love seeing so many people lifting weights. Go ALL OF YOU! :smiley:
  • @RitaMetsch congrats on your progress! I'm wondering if your weight has stalled because calories might be too low. You mentioned going from the basic circuit training class to the hardest one (awesome!). Your body might be "hoarding" weight since you're working out harder.
  • Keep us posted @lisafit37 and reach out anytime!
  • Don't let frustration stop you @melonyr14 and @TheGirlWithTwoBrains from being successful! Like @memo1974 said, "...do not give up, change something instead." Here are tips I like to share when creating consistent change: 1. Remember that consistency is built over time, and that the upward trend is more important than a…
  • Welcome back @kestack! I like to share these tips when trying to stay consistent with any behavior change. Wishing you the best! 1. Remember that consistency is built over time, and that the upward trend is more important than a bad day or two (or week/month/year LOL). 2. Look for all-or-nothing thinking and challenge it.…
  • @catwomansquats yep it does get better! Like @MsJulesRenee it took me awhile, probably 4-5 months, before I could really run/walk a mile. One thing that helped me feel successful when improving my running fitness was to focus on time instead of mileage. In fact that's what I'm doing now as I get back to running.
  • @TatajanaScylinda congrats on your success so far! Will send you a request. Let's finish 2015 with super positive vibes!
  • GAHHHH do I know that mental hold well LOL @debraodu :p Great job on asking for help. Here are a few things that have worked for me in regards to psychological trickiness: - Find comfort, pleasure, indulgence, joy that's not food. You mentioned in your original post that 'food was really a comfort.' Where in your life can…
  • Sounds like you've got the right attitude @Derf_Smeggle! Hope you feel better soon. :smile:
  • Small shifts and consistent actions definitely add up over a year to make a huge impact! Great reminder. :)
  • Welcome @BooBoo5! Congrats on doing something scary and posting for support. :) The #1 tip that helped me on my own weight loss and fitness adventure was to pick one behavior to change and create consistency. That one thing was walking 2 miles a day and was a non-negotiable commitment. Fortunately my hubby was also on…
  • Hang in there @lisafit37! Why are you feeling discouraged? Getting back on track can feel overwhelming, and sometimes the journey feels like it'll never end. You CAN do this! How can you make getting back on the wagon easy? Here are some tips on creating consistency (shared on other threads but it seems to help each time I…
  • Awesome attitude @FredKing1 and way to go!
  • Days like this totally happen. All part of the process. Just keep going until you reach your goals!
  • @aircooled75 there are lots of reasons why weight can stall. Hang in there and keep going!
    in Stuck Comment by zorahgail November 2015
  • Welcome @ebhrivera193 and you've got an awesome attitude. Way to get after it now instead of waiting!
  • @jessikundrick I've been where you are, so sending you lots of compassionate hugs. The others have given you good advice, so I'll chip in from a different angle. I've learned that no amount of weight loss ever made me happy, because there was always more weight to lose. It was a hard lesson to learn but in the end it…
  • Welcome to MFP @markshipley695! I don't know if anyone's good at weight loss when they first give it a try LOL. How do we get good at something? Lots of practice :smile: You can do it!
  • @GillianLF So much YES to this!!! Congrats on getting back on track and realizing the root cause of why you were struggling in the first place. That's so awesome :smiley:
  • @lavelljo totally been there too! That disparaging comment reflects 100% on the person saying it, not on you. Another thing to consider is asking yourself, "What am I making that mean?" I've been surprised over and over at how eye-opening the answers can be.