Diet making me depressed



  • zorahgail
    zorahgail Posts: 91 Member
    GAHHHH do I know that mental hold well LOL @debraodu :p Great job on asking for help. Here are a few things that have worked for me in regards to psychological trickiness:

    - Find comfort, pleasure, indulgence, joy that's not food. You mentioned in your original post that 'food was really a comfort.' Where in your life can you experience comfort?

    - Practice missing chocolate. The better you get at feeling the emotions you have when you DON’T have chocolate, the easier it’ll be when you don’t eat it. (That's kind of a clunky sentence; hope it makes sense haha.)

    - Constantly remind yourself of why you're making healthful changes in the first place. A compelling "why" will help keep you motivated over time. Notice which is powerful for you: Is a fear-based reason (I'm afraid of disease, being judged, etc.) more motivating than a love-based reason (I want to be an example to my kids/family, I want to love myself, etc.)?