Ugghh. Have not wanted to log the past 7 days...

Ugghh. Have not wanted to log the past 7 days... but I am sticking it out. I am into the 8th week of changing my eating habits, but I've been fighting off a low grade cold virus for a little over a week, plus Thanksgiving.

That generalized fatigue with the sinus pressure, watery eyes, etc. etc has really ramped up my appetite. It's sort of like Jabba the Hut, and the Hungry-hungry Hippos have pulled an invasion of the body snatchers, only with my appetite and sinuses. Snot-o-potamus the Hut!

That, and food prep is just wearing me out thinking about it. Yaaaa, frozen custard for dinner!

I'm not too worried about getting make to business once I'm feeling better, but looking at my log for the past 7-8 days was a real downer.

Acch, that's enough of that. This is going to turn into a LiveJournal post from the 90's if I keep going. :D


  • kribrenn14
    kribrenn14 Posts: 23 Member

    Acch, that's enough of that. This is going to turn into a LiveJournal post from the 90's if I keep going. :D

    Lol! I love that reference!

    Similar for me too- I did a little better than I thought for it being Thanksgiving time, but ohhhhhhh man, those red numbers though!
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    Frozen custard makes a fine dinner. Dairy. Protein.

    Feel better!
  • zorahgail
    zorahgail Posts: 91 Member
    Sounds like you've got the right attitude @Derf_Smeggle! Hope you feel better soon. :smile:
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 611 Member
    Thanks all.