100+ lbs to Lose!

Hey everyone! It's taken me a while to get the nerve up to post something, but here I am. I have about 100+ lbs I would LOVE to lose, and it would really help to have supporters of all sizes! And any tips would be greatly appreciated!!! Thank you! ☺️

SW: 332
CW: 287
GW: 150


  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I started with about 145 lb to go - down almost 60 so far (319 to 260).

    My tips that have kept me on track this time:

    1. Be reasonable about the rate of loss. When I started I was deep into morbid obesity, and on a previous attempt I aimed at 1300 calories per day to get it over with faster. Idiocy on my part, it was completely unsustainable. This time I eat 1800/2200 depending on whether it's a workout day or not, and it's a lot easier while still having great progress.

    2. My focus isn't really on losing the weight, it's on learning habits for how I'm going to keep it off, which is the longer process.

    3. I pre-plan all my meals the day before so the day of, I just need to weigh out the portions I already selected and cook. There's never any question of whether I'm going to make my overall goal - I just follow the plan and the rest takes care of itself.

    4. I stopped the destructive all-or-nothing thinking that I had before. I don't need to be perfect. One bad day can't derail me physically, and I won't let it derail me mentally either. I don't need to be perfect, I need to be good enough, and I can do that.

    5. I came to see exercise not just as a tool for weight loss, but as a tool for health improvement. For me, this is all about the health.
  • stephbolia
    stephbolia Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! It took alot for me too! I need to lose 150lbs. I am having surgery (sleeve) on the 10th. I wish you the best!
    First step waste make a post!! ;)
  • BooBoo5
    BooBoo5 Posts: 24 Member
    edited November 2015
    rankinsect wrote: »
    I started with about 145 lb to go - down almost 60 so far (319 to 260).

    My tips that have kept me on track this time:

    1. Be reasonable about the rate of loss. When I started I was deep into morbid obesity, and on a previous attempt I aimed at 1300 calories per day to get it over with faster. Idiocy on my part, it was completely unsustainable. This time I eat 1800/2200 depending on whether it's a workout day or not, and it's a lot easier while still having great progress.

    2. My focus isn't really on losing the weight, it's on learning habits for how I'm going to keep it off, which is the longer process.

    3. I pre-plan all my meals the day before so the day of, I just need to weigh out the portions I already selected and cook. There's never any question of whether I'm going to make my overall goal - I just follow the plan and the rest takes care of itself.

    4. I stopped the destructive all-or-nothing thinking that I had before. I don't need to be perfect. One bad day can't derail me physically, and I won't let it derail me mentally either. I don't need to be perfect, I need to be good enough, and I can do that.

    5. I came to see exercise not just as a tool for weight loss, but as a tool for health improvement. For me, this is all about the health.

    Thank you so much!! That's definitely some things to keep in mind! Best of luck to you!
  • BooBoo5
    BooBoo5 Posts: 24 Member
    stephbolia wrote: »
    Hey! It took alot for me too! I need to lose 150lbs. I am having surgery (sleeve) on the 10th. I wish you the best!
    First step waste make a post!! ;)

    Thank you! And I was so nervous to post, and embarrassed. But I figure if I really want to lose weight, I need to come to terms with it and a little help goes a long way! Good luck on your surgery! May it go smoothly!
  • datsundriver87
    datsundriver87 Posts: 186 Member
    The best advice I can give is don't "diet". Ive dropped 85 pounds since January of this year, the hardest part for me was realizing that eating healthy for a few months than going back to old habits is not going to help anything. It HAS to be a lifestyle change, you can choose how quickly or slowly you would like to loose the weight, but make sure to continue on track whichever direction you choose, because it's way to easy to fall off and gain back everything you have worked for
  • zorahgail
    zorahgail Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome @BooBoo5! Congrats on doing something scary and posting for support. :)

    The #1 tip that helped me on my own weight loss and fitness adventure was to pick one behavior to change and create consistency. That one thing was walking 2 miles a day and was a non-negotiable commitment. Fortunately my hubby was also on board and kept me accountable.

    I believe in you and yes, you CAN do this!

    Here are some tips on creating consistency (shared on other threads but it seems to help each time I posted):

    1. Remember that consistency is built over time, and that the upward trend is more important than a bad day or two (or week/month/year LOL).

    2. Look for all-or-nothing thinking, and challenge it. Are you being a perfectionist or unrealistic with your expectations?

    3. Pick ONE battle to fight. It's so easy to want to make ALL.THE.CHANGES. at once, and to have them be done overnight. When I'm highly motivated, I might be able to hit it really hard for a short time, but eventually I burn myself out. So when things get tough, I pick one thing (usually a back-to-basics thing) and devote my energy to that.

    4. Honor commitments to yourself. This is all about building (or rebuilding) trust that you'll do what you say you're going to do. It can be easy to believe you'll never lose the weight or finish that 5K or fit into that dress when you have little confidence in your ability to follow-through. Start small, forgive yourself when you struggle, and believe that yes, one day you will do the REALLY.HARD.THING.

    5. Ignore your feelings. When your inner 2-year old is throwing a tantrum and crying things like “I can’t do this”, “I don’t wanna”, “Why?!?!”, or "I don't feel like it", ignore it and stick to the plan.

    6. Throw yourself a pity party. Set a timer for 10-60 minutes and go full-on feeling sorry for yourself. Once the time's up, move on.

    7. Remind yourself of your "why." What's your honest-to-goodness, deep-in-your-soul reason for doing this fitness/health/weight loss thing?

    8. Answer "What do I want for myself?" Get very specific. Get detailed with your senses – what will you see/hear/touch/smell/taste when you get what you want? What thoughts will you have, what emotions will you experience?

    9. Take a teeny tiny, smaller-than-a-baby-step action. When you want to quit and give up, take a miniscule action that's worth doing to keep moving forward. I'm talking so small that it's IMPOSSIBLE to fail, and that sets you up for inevitable success.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Never forget why you started and how you felt physically and mentally. These are your reasons to keep moving forward with your journey. Develop a plan and good habits the follow your plan. Don't wait for "motivation,"
    SW 301
    CW 181
    GW 150
    18 months
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    edited November 2015
    BooBoo5 wrote: »
    stephbolia wrote: »
    Hey! It took alot for me too! I need to lose 150lbs. I am having surgery (sleeve) on the 10th. I wish you the best!
    First step waste make a post!! ;)

    Thank you! And I was so nervous to post, and embarrassed. But I figure if I really want to lose weight, I need to come to terms with it and a little help goes a long way! Good luck on your surgery! May it go smoothly!

    This is one place where you really don't have to be ashamed of where you're at or how much you have left to go. Many of us began our weight loss in severe obesity, and even those who didn't are not going to be judgmental because you have more to lose than they do. The community may be sometimes be judgmental for other reasons (pseudoscience goes over very badly here, for example), but not for that one at least! :smiley:
  • contentaconme
    contentaconme Posts: 4 Member
    1. Start with mini goals on the weight loss you have to lose to make less overwhelming. Think of i would like lose 10 lbs in 1 month
    2. Reward yourself with something like workout related because rewarded behavior is repeated behavior.
    3. Think about just switching one thing at a time like if you eat lots of fast food, or dont workout at all, or skip breakfast like start one week on i will work on making this a new life style habit making breakfast for 7 days straight. Then reward tgat and change somwthing the next week.
    4. Be proud of yourself and all the accomplishments because you and only you earned that loss or non scale victory
    5. Take pictures of yourself every week to have progress be seen
    6. Belive in the process if you are eating right and exercising regularly you will lose but you have to walk by faith knowing sometimes the number doesnt change but it will happen
    7. Measure your food for the proper serving sizes
    8. Use spices on foods you prepare
    9. Insprational quotes i collect them on a word doucument and post them around my home one i love is successful people are not people who never failed they are people who never gave up.
    10. Maintain doing all the new habits
    Hope these help. You can do it
  • BooBoo5
    BooBoo5 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you guys so much for the tips and wonderful support! It really helps me to have a better view on how I'm gonna go about losing the weight. Feel free to add me! <3:)