SamanthaSchuh7 Member


  • If you don't mind me asking, what was your starting weight in those pics? I'm the same height and have a similar build - I would love to see what is possible (and coming!) on the horizon for me!
  • I am a fan of them! For someone who forgets to eat (until dinnertime - when everything is going on my plate, lol), they are a great way to get nutrition and stay on track so I don't binge after work. They're actually quite tasty, as long as they're cold. Using almond milk or light soy milk (vanilla, mmmm) also helps.
  • Congratulations on your little girl! I'm 28yr, from the US, and have 60lbs to lose (and lots of healthy to gain!) Mom of 2 daughters, married 9ys to a great guy (even if he is kind of a man child....) Love to have you as a buddy!