

  • I t hink my Heart Rate Monitor is more accurate because I have it set for my individual height, weight, and age. I would think MFP averages are just that. Averages. My level of intensity may be more than what someone else doing the same 30 min. brisk walk maybe. Therefore, I love love love my HRM because I feel it is…
  • I do agreee with Angela. I only use Shred when it is raining outside and I can't get out to do my normal stuff. It's a great fall back plan though.
  • I have Insanity and have done the first month. EXTREMELY intense. Like Super Athlete intense. I also have 30 day Shred and I really like it. It has 3 levels, so the first one is basic but still hard. She does 3 minutes of weights, 2 minutes of cardio, then 1 minute of abs and it is non-stop for 20 minutes. GREAT quick…
  • I bought a Heart Rate Monitor and love it!! You program it with your age and your weight. Therefore, it is more accurate of a reading.
  • Angel food cake with strawberries with Truvia on top! FF cool whip too.