

  • Sorry about all of the previous entries- i did not realize they were being sent ! You are really doing well with your wieght loss! I would break the breaskfast into a meal and a snack and reduce portions abit- I don't have the option to count sugar so I go by carbohydrates. Breakfast 1 egg(protein)- 0 carbs 1 whole wheat…
    in Sugar Comment by myminnie2 March 2010
  • It looks likw you are realy doing well with your weight loss, perhaps you can break down your breakfast into a meal and a snack. Breakfast- 1 egg,Protein 1 toast, coffee with skim milk Snack - 2 whole wheat crackers with peanut butter
    in Sugar Comment by myminnie2 March 2010
  • It looks likw you are realy doing well with your weight loss, perhaps you can break down your breakfast into a meal and a snack. Breakfast- 1 egg,Protein 1 toast, coffee with skim milk Snack - 2 whole wheat crackers with peanut butter
    in Sugar Comment by myminnie2 March 2010
  • It looks likw you are realy doing well with your weight loss, perhaps you can break down your breakfast into a meal and a snack. Breakfast- 1 egg,Protein 1 toast, coffee with skim milk Snack - 2 whole wheat crackers with peanut butter
    in Sugar Comment by myminnie2 March 2010
  • What did you eat for breakfast? I try to have a protein and a carb with each meal and snack. I try to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks/day. Not to eat more calories but to spread them out during the day. That keeps me from craving sweets. Perhaps you need to add a protein at breakfast. eg whole grain toast, peanut butter and skim…
    in Sugar Comment by myminnie2 March 2010
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