Having high bad cholesterol can't be good. I would say moderation is the key word. But yeah, I know what you mean about the yolk...yum haha
Still lurking on these forums I see Suzaka? ;) Good seeing you're still around though, LOL. On a serious note, I find myself in a similar situation, gaining weight is hard for good job to you. I think it's time to go stuff myself with some food now, and then hit some weights, hah. Any tips?
The before and after pics speak for themselves, good job man :) Keep up the great work.
Yes, I get that sometimes. People wonder how I stay so skinny and eat a buffet. They think they aren't being rude, but it does make you self conscious. Some people, myself included, have a really difficult time gaining weight
Thanks, everyone has been very helpful. Should I limit cardio if I want to gain healthy weight? And just focus on resistance training? Or should I do both or alternate on certain days? I don't mind paying for a gym membership but I can't afford the personal training sessions as they seem to go for 60 bucks per hour easily.…
That guy is obviously very strong, but I think that that pic would not be my own personal goal. Something a little less, and doable. With my genetics, I don't think this is a sustainable goal.
Thanks for the replies. What I meant about not having the time to get super ripped is, I don't want to be one of those people who has to spend 2-3 hours in the gym every day. That's too much. I think 1 hour per day is reasonable and manageable as long as I use my time effectively (right?), I really do like to move and…
OP, I have a similar problem to you, gaining weight is so hard, and people who don't have this problem just don't understand, they say things like "I wish I had your problem." If I'm looking to gain weight, would it be OK (or healthy?) to eat a relatively large dinner before sleeping? Or is that not healthy either.
walking around in the park, that counts right?
Funny thing is most people don't even know they're consuming gmos a lot of the time so i'm thinking not
Don't feel ashamed. I have the exact opposite problem of you (some people would be jealous...don't be). I am stick thin and trying to gain weight. Imagine getting teased by your classmates when they say, "do you eat?" I am constantly stuffing myself, with supposedly healthy stuff. I noticed I gained about 5 pounds in the…
If your profile picture is of you, you're probably more fit than picture H. I'm jealous, lol. There's no way I could possibly get a picture of every body type, so can't please everyone.
I'm almost stick thin and look starved, lol. 115 pounds and 5 ft 9 I am probably skinner than pic E. I'm fine with any of them, as long as I don't look like A or D, but I don't think I will ever have that problem in my lifetime.
No matter what I could never do without ice cream. I have cut down on my ice cream intake considerably, but will never do so completely. But I'm one of those people that can usually eat a lot of fattening foods and not manage to gain weight, so I guess it's partly genetic. Do you consider yourself an endomorph? Don't think…