mrsmorecambe Member


  • Hey Gem - I am sort of doing half weighy but not really - if you know what I mean lol. Not weighing every day but keeping an eye on it. I am tempted to shove scales right under the bed and just judge by my clothes. How do you keep track of what you have lost? Yes very stressful - really trying to not binge eat as I will…
  • I do think having something specific to aim for really helps - ie hols, Christmas, wedding etc. For me, I want to wear a certain dress for my birthday - so keep thinking of that when I feel like I am slipping...
  • Hi everyone - thanks for the replies. Mossy (if I may call you that?) - sorry to hear about your work situ. But great news about the dress and needing a new goal - you have done so well. Do you need another new smaller dress for the wedding? Rachel - that's what I am trying to do - think of it in a different way not a…
  • Sammi = SamyJR G1970 = Gaenor1970 AmyJ35 = AJay355 Dubletrub = jenjeneng Cariadbach=ks7442 goofysgirl = mrsmorecambe
  • Hello everyone :smile: I'm new to myfitnesspal so having a look around - looks good! Do you have the same names as on The Dibb? Hope you're all having a great day? MrsM
  • Wooo - and I'm in!! So excited about all of this. Thanks for setting it up Sammi.