

  • I have lost around 70 lbs and still have a way to go. The girl that sits next to me at work has lost around the same but is now at her goal weight. I am so over everyone saying" hasn't she done so well, and oh have you lost a little weight too". The other day i told someone i had lost the same amount as my co worker and…
  • Hi, first post here. When i was growing up in Australia it was ounces, pounds and stones. Now i am all grown up it is Kilo's. So my generation relate to both measurements. My parents still talk in stones and my kids wouldn't know a stone from an ounce. A recent trip to US had me doing my sums trying to convert everything.
  • Gastric band fill? A lot of people seem to go to mexico for that. But if she wants to keep what ever it is a secret you should respect that.
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