

  • Did much better at tracking last week, but still didn't track every day. I did however lose weight:happy: Planning to keep on trying until I meet this goal. My second goal for this week is to try and get in some water. I've been drinking nothing but diet soda and that really isn't good for me. I've had 3 glasses so far…
  • Okay, now call me yo-yo!! Once again I didn't track and I gained this week :( However, it has apparently motivated me for this week. I am tracking AND eating better! I've also met my exercise goal for the week already and so I will hopefully surpass my goal. Congrats to all those who lost last week. Way to be an…
  • If at first you don't succeed..... you know the rest. Well I didn't meet my goal last week so I'm keeping it for this week. I am going to track every day despite what I eat. On the bright side, I did lose 2 lbs this past week!!
  • I like this idea!! I need to see some results FAST and by that I mean recognizing the small things instead of focusing on the BIG thing. My week starts on Monday and I pretty much started over this week because I have gained 10lbs since joining MyFitnessPals. My goal for this week to to track my food (ALL OF IT) every day.…
  • 179 pounds today!!! I was involved in a 30 hour famine with my youth this weekend so I haven't been posting or tracking. Hope to do better starting tomorrow:tongue:
  • Weigh Day: 180.4. Down for the first time in a while!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • Okay, I have finally made it up to 8 glasses of water!!! Yesterday was the first day and I hope to keep it up today. I decided to give myself one mile for the Zumba since it was only 15 minutes. I'd rather err on the lower side that fool myself. Yesterday however, I did 3.5 miles on the elliptical. I think I reached the 10…
  • Can I count Zumba as my walking for today? I'm not sure how to figure it out miles wise, but boy is it TOUGH!!!!!!
  • Still sticking with it!! I am psyched about continuing the 10 mile challenge. I need to challenge to add water, that is a real challenge for me... I HATE water and LOVE Diet Mt. Dew. My activity is at 5 3/4 miles so far this week. Great job EVERYONE!!!! Together we will reach our goals :)
  • I got in 3 miles on the elliptical today!!!
  • So far so good today!!! I'm even drinking water :happy:
  • Okay, I didn't meet the challenge this week! Life intervened... I know I have to include exercise as part of life. I weighed 181.8, up 0.8 pounds. This week, my goal is to track my food, exercise, and lose some weight. I hope to meet the 10 miles this week. Have we posted a new challenge for this week yet?
  • Okay, I had a BAAAAAAD week!!! I ate poorly, didn't exercise and the scale shows it. My weight this morning was 181. Up 1.8lbs. I'm in on the 10 mile challenge. I'm in on anything!!!!
  • Hey Sis! Good to see ya here!
  • Forgot to put my weight... 179. Hoping to reach 135 by summer's end.
  • I'm in. Started MyFitness today and I'm really excited. I celebrate my 16th anniversary June 4th, so losing 20 pounds by 6/6 would be AWESOME!!!