Jimmyh234 Member


  • Haha that's awesome, I could defiantly see how that would get them up and moving.
  • Btw, sorry to people who were looking for before and after weightless pictures, im not really trying to lose weight, as i dont really have much to lose. I just thought it was crazy when i stepped on the scale at my gym the other day to weigh myself. I usually take in at least 2000 calories a day but the game took all of my…
  • I have a similar problem, the only people who live in my city that i actually know are my close family members, but just going to the local areas, i've met a lot of new friendly people. I live in a small city in Vermont, so everyone pretty chill and friendly/Approachable. I probably wouldn't be doing this if i were in one…
  • My state park has pokestops all over the place, i can spend hours walking all the hiking trails to the different pokestops, and i have put in a few requests for new locations (Look up how to put in requests). I never have to worry about getting hit by cars in there XD
  • I've had my share of strange encounters with people when it first came out. People either starting trouble or yelling out the window at me when I was walking starring at my phone. But now everyone just assumes your playing Pokemon go, or they are being creepy and hoping some young pretty girl will hop In the car with them.…
  • My work days are pretty early and im usually home by 2:00pm, and its a great way to pass the time before everyone else gets out of work.
  • Well i try to do about 10+ Miles a day, and its been out 8 or nine days, so i guess thats about right.
  • I'm not sure if it tracks me while at work, but I tend to keep it up to try and unlock my eggs.
  • So far I've only gone 130km according to the Pokemon go app
  • I never leave the house without a little protection ;)
  • That can't be entirely true, I have caught countless Pokemon out in the middle of no where. Miles away from anyone. My city is swarming with people playing and do catch them more commonly while in the city, you don't necessarily need to have someone with you as there are plenty of people on the community playing.
  • I didn't mean to say "I could care less" twice, but I guess it just shows how much I really don't care xD
  • I actually tried doing this, I started in March and I was 190lbs 6'1. Doing 1000 jump jack a day, and eating whatever the hell I wanted still brought me down to a 170 and along with other work outs gained a decent amount of muscle. I'm tall, and I think that I will just build off of what I have so I don't look like an…