Lond here. Add me
London here. Feel free to add me
True weighht lifting dailed into your body not some generic program
12 hours I do 2 one 1 split days, 6 days a week am/pm
Hair Dresser
Both I guess
Ill be your friend
Same here bro
stay but point him over to my bosses office
huge bro hug
say hi but might get stung
Yes We do
- This is a pretty good link.
1 gram of protein per lb of body weight but you also need carbs. Remember Manitance and cutting you need proteins/fats sand for building you need proteins/ carbs. A good 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat you will bulk.
Night before workout eat for last meal small sweet potato, 1 cup of rice, 1 banana, 1tbs of butter. Its called Carb loading
On rest days yes. But resaons why is bc on rest I am not going going going so my body gets bored and nothing to do it thinks aboutwating, which is not a bad thing. This my time to build and replenish all the beating I gave it thru the week.
How many Carbs are you taking in and what kind of carido are you doing?
Super Friendly i bet
i would
true i think she is friendly