

  • No problem and thank you. :))
  • We all have a choice, that is urs. I made my choice because I think they are great because of the 220 calories and nutrients, and in the last 6 weeks I dont have food cravings. :)))
  • Sry mate, my English it's not ok. I wanted to say that I had problems before with falling a sleep and waking up from bed.
  • Did the wellness coach, from who u bought the food, made you a program what to eat? I eat 5 times a day, and it is not only shakes. My food includes, meat, vegetables, fruit, kernels, milk products etc. I removed the junk food and soda, white sugar, white salt and products made with white flour. I have a lots of energy and…
  • I am angry at my fat :laugh:
  • I have tried and i lost 30 poinds and - 24 cm in 6 weeks! Here is a result in 4 weeks. Cheers
  • Great job man! Here is my 4 weeks result, I am at week 7 now. :smile: