

  • Yes you have to use a heart rate monitor no matter what you are doing to get accurate cals burned.
  • So it all started after i ruptured a disc in my back two years ago and couldn't workout for a year. Then as of last March I started with p90x for 3 months, then did Insanity for 2 months, then went back into p90x for 3 months again, then p90x plus for 3 months. Now I am on week 10 of p90x2. I log all my cals I eat on here…
  • Yes I did it for two months last summer and it really beat up my knees. I have since gone onto doing p90x, p90x plus and p90x2 and have not had knee problems in these workouts. Took me a bit to heal from the impact on the knees but as far as weight loss goes it will definitely lean you out.