Thanks. I am new to this site. I previously used another site which I love. But I like how this site deducts the tracked progress as the day goes on and you know what you have left by the end of the day.
I absolutely love spagetti squash. I am a diabetic and this was suggested to me by a nutritionist. This is a great option for anyone who loves pasta but doesn't like that bloated feeling after. I gave up pasta and white flour products also. You can also make Lasagna with eggplant. This is also a delicious low carb "pasta"…
Yes, pasta is pasta. Whole wheat only means that the carbohydrate in the pasta is abosorbed slower and won't spike your sugar levels as quickly. It doesn't mean it's less amount of carbohydrate or less calories. 1/2 C of pasta is almost two servings of carbohydrates. Measure it out on a smaller plate because it doesn't…