I found that putting my foot on top of an ice pack at night helped tremendously. I noticed that someone else mentioned good shoes. For me this was an extreme necessity. Good Luck!
Thanks so much! This sound fabulous and just perfect for me. How do you write this up in your calorie diary?
I hate that the experts try to say that if you do this, or if you skip that you will lose the weight. I believe that each of us is individual. Each of us is totally unique - so there is no one right answer or solution for any of us. For each of us it is an individual journey and thanks to this site - there are always lots…
While reading your post I thought - this is me! I lose very slow - and yes I measure everything. Sometimes it's so frustrating and discouraging. But - I like me - so I'm worth the work! Please think of yourself the same way. Please add me to your list of friends. It's so nice to know there is someone out there to kick my…
Think of yourself and how great your really are. Know that the person who can hurt us the most is ourselves. If you believe in yourself, the journey to health will be easier.
I've never added the lemon juice or the mint leaves which you feel are so important. I'm anxious to get to the grocery store so I can purchase both to try, but just curious. Why do you feel they are so important - taste or other reason? Thanks!